Santa Barbara County Marilyn
03-10-18 119 Hits

Looking for rocks approx. 10"-20" for wall and landscaping. Have a truck and can come get them. Please call Laura: 805.455.9926. Thanks. 

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Wanted: Large or Small Rocks

Looking for rocks at least 3" and up to 3' across. Thank you. Can pick up anytime during the week.weekend. Thank you. Santa Barbara County


Landscape rocks needed, have truck and will pick-up. Thanks. Santa Barbara County

Rocks Wanted

I Need Rocks that are 6" to 2' in diameter for personal landscape project. If you need to dispose a large quantity we have a few acres in Santa Barbara. I can also hand pick in the early mornings as well. You can contact me at [email protected] Santa Barbara County

Looking for 6" to 2' rocks

We are looking for rocks that range from 6" to 2' in diameter.  Santa Barbara County

Seeking a few 3-4 foot boulders

Have small truck, but would need assistance loading. Santa Barbara County

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