Santa Barbara County Sandy Velasco
03-06-18 111 Hits

We need lots of rocks of between 8" to 24" in size.


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rocks wanted

I need endless amount of rocks from 6" to 2'' in size for personal landscape projects. I can pick up early mornings before 7am. Please contact Walter via text or call at 805 453 3738  Santa Barbara County

Can use smallish rocks

I can pick up rocks, plus or minus cantaloupe size, any time. Have truck. Am in Goleta. Santa Barbara County

Stream Bed Rocks

Please text me if you have some medium-sized rocks that you would like removed from your property.  I need 15 to 20 of them for a dry stream bed.  I have a pickup/tailor to haul them with.  Thanks  Corey  Santa Barbara County

Rocks wanted

I am interested in small to medium rocks (12" - 24"). I have a truck and two strong sons to help me load them up and take them away. Will take as many as you have and move them to my yard in Goleta. Santa Barbara County

Rocks 1'-3'

Here in Montecito, can pick up rocks 1'-3' for our landscape project. Pickup truck will be used. I can take as many as you have. Santa Barbara County

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