
Please estimate the amount of soil you have (e.g. in cubic yards, square feet, number of trash cans, etc.). You can upload up to two photos.
Please Note: There are additional considerations that the community should be aware of when donating or receiving soil, including the possibility of soil testing in certain areas and the potential need for grading permits.
Soil Testing: Property owners donating or receiving soil are encouraged to review the Public Health Department's FAQs regarding soil testing. Samples of mud/soil were taken from ten locations in Montecito affected by the mud and debris flows. Results showed that the amount of metals and oil/petroleum products in the samples were within acceptable non-hazardous levels. Based on these results, there is not a need to test automatically at other locations. However, property owners are encouraged to proceed with sampling and testing when:
1. A release of hazardous materials has been confirmed and/or suspected; or
2. It is a location of a sensitive population, such as a school, day care, or elder care facility, and the location is adjacent to sediment receiving site or an area where hazardous materials are confirmed or suspected.
If a property owner decides to pursue voluntary testing of soil at a residential property, testing is to be performed by the property owner. For further guidance about soil testing, please call the Environmental Health Services informational line at (805) 346-8489.
Grading Permits: In addition, the following information from the Planning & Development Department regarding grading should be considered when donating or receiving soil:
No grading permits are required for mud and debris removal from private property. However, alteration of the topography beyond the site's original topography may require grading permits. If the mud/soil being removed is used for the grading of another property (or even the same property), a grading permit will be required if:
1. The transported amount of soil exceeds 50 cubic yards;
2. The grading causes a cut or fill to exceed three feet in vertical distance; or
3. Any part of the grading is within 50 feet of creek or blue lines.
Planning & Development has compiled a comprehensive General Information document to help affected residents navigate their recovery efforts through the rebuilding process. This document, as well as other helpful information about grading and rebuilding, can be found online on the Rebuilding Montecito webpage. If more specific assistance with grading permits is needed, please contact Tony Bohnett with the Building & Safety Division (805) 568-3114. A Building & Safety representative will meet with property owners onsite to provide additional guidance.
Disclaimer: User is solely responsible for compliance with County Planning and Development permit requirements. Posts that appear on the County Materials Exchange site do not indicate County approval or authorization of any transaction or required permit.